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JSA Fan writes...

Dear Greg,

I have 3 questions about Outsiders/Phantoms that I doubt are answered or spoilers:

1. If you have them, would you please share the Designations of League members between Aquamen 2 and 3? I know Steel is 36, but no others!

2. I am also kind of dying to know which Green Lantern joined the League before La'gaan, Alan Scott? Kyle Rayner?? Jessica Cruz??? I had a dream she and Simon Baz did back in 2016...I think haha

3. In Invasion's episode Darkest, Tommy Terror had a youthful appearance, but by Outsiders' episode True Heroes, despite retaining his muscle mass, Tommy's teeth have spread to include gaps, his cheeks have sunken in with wrinkle lines below the eyes and above the mouth...what happened? He's supposed to be 26!