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Anonymous writes...

To clarify, I’m not asking about specific dates.

1. Was Kaldur ever in the closet, or are sexualities other than heterosexuality considered so natural/accepted in Atlantean society that he was never in the closet at all when he was younger?
2a. Was Ed ever in the closet?
2b. Was Harper Rowe ever in the closet
3. For the character you can’t specify as gay, were they in the closet when they joined the team?
4. As you probably already know, Tim came out as bisexual in the comics, but I’m guessing that wasn’t part of your initial plan for him when you created the show. Do you consider Tim bi now on Earth-16 (since it also doesn’t affect his relationships with Cassie and Steph)?
5. Thank you for including diversity (LGBTQ and otherwise) into the show! Many of us really appreciate it!