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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the epilogue of "Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths" issue #7, the mainstream DC Universe (Earth-0) appears to now have it own version of "The Light," and it is called "The Council of Light." This version of the group appears to be a mysterious alliance of seven unknown power brokers, and their goal is apparently to wipe out ALL metahumans (both good and bad) on Earth because they believe that metahumans are too dangerous to be controlled or imprisoned. Therefore, they are giving Amanda Waller permission to use every resource available to full eradicate all metahumans on Earth. In light of the revelation of "The Council of Light," my question to you is this: Were you ever consulted by DC Comics about this? I mean, did they needed permission from you to be able to introduce their own version of "The Light" into the mainstream DC Universe; since the group originated from the "Young Justice" animated series first?