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Hi Greg! You've previously mentioned having big plans for the clones that extended to 2158 and beyond, and today you confirmed that some would have children. 1) When you mentioned having plans that extended far into the future, did you mean the present clones or their children? 2) If it's the former, how would they survive that long? 3) Are the clones' children going to remain a separate clan, or will they merge into other clans? 4) Are you going to try to completely nullify what TGC did to the clones, or have you incorporated it into your future plans for them? 5a) Do you have any plans for moving the clones out of the Labyrinth? 5b) If so, where will they move to and why? 6) Will the clones be able to produce genetically normal gargoyle offspring? 7) If you've given this any thought, would the offspring have a parent clone's backwards-coloring or that of the gargoyle one or either of the parents was cloned from? 8) What was Elisa's reaction to finding out she had a clone? 9) If Delilah has a child, how would Elisa react to it?
1. I'm not sure I understand the question...
2. See the answer to 4.
3. I can't answer this while the clan contest is ongoing.
4. Honestly, I haven't decided yet. Though I didn't care for the episode, it's absolutely one of the easiest to fix. Seems to me the clones could wake up at any time. So if the series came back in the present, I could wake them then. Or I could wake them anytime before 2158. But I figure with Goliath Chronicles it's going to be an all or nothing thing. So I can't make this specific decision in a vacuum. Right now, I'm leaning toward ignoring all post-Journey continuity. But I haven't made -- and probably can't make -- a final decision until I know in what form the series will resurface.
5a. See the answer to 3.
5b. Ditto.
6. Sure.
7. Being color-blind, it's not the first thing I think about.
8. On the surface, she was annoyed with Demona and Thailog, but open to being friends with Delilah. (She had seen the effect Goliath's harsh reaction had with Thailog.) Underneath that think the whole thing made her anxious. I do not think as of "The Journey" she had as yet gone down to meet Delilah.
9. Whoah, you're getting ahead of yourself...