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Hello, Greg! Well, this is my first query, so I hope I start off on a good foot (I haven't finished reading the archives, but I'm pretty sure these questions haven't been asked). Here we go:
1: Are the Gargoyle Clones still being affected by the Accelerated Growth Process (are they still aging at an accelerated rate), or are they aging normally?
2: Why does Brentwood(sp?) and Hollywood look alittle different (besides color) from Lex and Broadway? I have ideas, but I'm not sure. Is there a reason for this?
3: Why do the 4 clones (besides Thailog and Delilah) have digitized voices?
1. Out of their tubes, they are now aging normally.
2. They're biologically older.
3. Do they? I don't remember that. Are you sure? In "The Reckoning"?