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Ok, now I'm focusing on Delilah.
Michael submitted a post asking about how Delilah would react to the fact "that she had no chance with Goliath", and you asked "before the date, during or after?". So, trying to be specific:
1a) Before the date, had Delilah realized that she was partly cloned from a human woman? b) Did she know who Elisa was (in terms of her relation to Derek and Goliath) before the date? c) Did she know that she was Elisa's clone?
2) Before the date (but after she was asked to go out with Goliath), did Delilah really believe that she had a chance of becoming Goliath's mate, or at least a chance of having future intimate relations with him?
2a) During the date, would Delilah feel jealous of Elisa? (kinda "duh", but I like to see it in writing) b) Would she act on these feelings?
3) After the date, when Elisa and Goliath realize that they were meant to be together, how does Delilah react to the rejection?
4) Who does Delilah fall for next?
5) Where did they go on the date?
1a. Yes.
b. Probably.
c. Probably.
2. Probably.
2a. We'd focus more on the other way around.
b. Maybe.
3. Maybe with a little disappointment, but it was only one date.
4. Who says she does?
5. Halloween.