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The Phoenix Gate

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Nicolas Turnberrez writes...

Hi Greg,

Not a question, just wanted to say thanks for my childhood. I watched Gargoyles as a kid as I was growing up and I loved it. It gave me an appreciation for Shakespeare and Mythology before I every knew what they were. I remember watching Gargoyles reruns in my parents room as the clock ring midnight from 1999 to 2000, and did the same when it switched over from 2019 to 2020 (though the following year didn't go as planned lol). With Star Trek Picard wrapping up, I wanted to get a TNG enterprise tattoo and am incorporating the Phoenix gate into it because I first heard Frakes and Sirtis in their Gargoyles roles. Essentially, thanks for creating an amazing program and amazing childhood memories. Fingers crossed for a revival show!

Nick T.