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Anonymous writes...

Hey, Greg!
I hope you are well and everything is going great with your current projects! I have a Spectacular Spider-man question that I’ve been wondering about for a while: was “Final Curtain” meant to be Spectacular’s version of “The Night Gwen Stacy Died”? The reason I ask is because, first of all, I know you didn’t plan to kill off your version of Gwen Stacy, like in the comics, so a straight forward adaptation would have been off the table from the beginning, and second, I noticed a lot of similarities between how “Final Curtain” ends and the way the comic story ends. Both end with Norman Osborn’s apparent “death,” Harry vowing revenge against Spider-man, and Peter not with Gwen (albeit for VERY different reasons). I know you don’t like to give out spoilers, so this next part is more me sharing what I think: I have a theory that Peter and Gwen were never meant to be, no matter what, and would have gone through the rest of high school as two people who like each other, but just waited too long to admit their feelings and become an official couple. But that’s just my own personal speculation. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question, and read my fan theories. I wish you well in your other projects. Thank you!