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JJ writes...

Hello Greg!

This may seem like a pretty oddball question, but its about Wildcat in Young Justice.

I was browsing the Young Justice TV Tropes page and came across Wildcat's picture, where he looks a fair bit darker-toned than the other members of the JSA. So it got me wondering: is he possibly Latino and/or Black on Earth-16, or just very tan?

Usually its pretty self-explanatory, but I went snooping to see where else he might've popped up and he shows up at Kent Nelson's funeral in the tie-in comics, but when I looked at the actual page he looked white. Given the comics back then tended to have more than a few coloring errors (a prime example being the very white, blue-eyed Artemis), I'm more inclined to trust the episode he first appeared in as what he actually looks like, but confirmation would be wonderful.

Thank you, and I hope you're having a great day!