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The Phoenix Gate

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Red Everything writes...

1. There are a lot of redheads on YJ, or at least many who are involved with the main plot threads relative to the population. Is this because they are well-represented by DC comic media, an inclusive choice by you and Brandon, or does Earth-16 have more red heads in the population?

2. Do you have any interest of incorporating Red X into the series (irrespective of his identity)

3. Are Wally West's reoccurrences despite being dead and all the arcs about reminiscing/letting go your way/symbol/metaphor of helping us grieve when the show is in limbo?

4a. When M'gann reconstructs Conner's mind in both S1 (bereft) and S4 (Death and Rebirth), are the missing elements filled in by M'gann's memories? 4b. If so, does this influence his romantic feelings towards her because she likes him? (for example, would Conner have still fallen for M'gann in S1 had she not reconstructed his memories?)