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Anonymous writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman. You mentioned that The Goliath Chronicles moved
"too fast" with public acceptance of the gargoyles, and that's certainly
true. My question is this, by the time "Bad Guys" rolls around (that
leika was AWESOME!), Yama is a member of this covert team. What is his
"status"? Does the mysterious group behind this Dirty Dozen-esque team
grant him any legal rights or acceptance, or is he considered along the
lines of a trained animal, more like Hunter's property than a sentient
beast? Just curious, thanks for answering (if you can)!

Greg responds...

The Director and the Hunter both know that Yama is fully sentient. That
doesn't mean that they choose to recognize that he has any rights. As with
Dingo and Fang, they basically blackmail Yama into joining the team or
else. The Squad's operations are, at least in theory, covert, so there
wasn't any need for a public stance on this point. Good question though.

Response recorded on December 15, 1997