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Anonymous writes...

Me again. I might be pushing my luck, but here are some more general questions:
1. I think one of the things that outstand the most about your work is that you don’t underestimate or patronize your audience. That is very rare. Don’t you ever find people in the industry that tell you, even if not with words, something in the line of “You’re taking this way too seriously” or “We don’t need this kind of depth in a kid’s show”?
2. I see that in seasons 3 and 4 of Young Justice you were much more explicit about politics (personally, I applaud that you placed such blunt words about climate change on Garth, and I think the allusions to a certain “tronald” person through Lex Luthor were priceless). You also had much more explicit violence and became very obvious about sex, specially in season 3. And yet, it seems to me that you got less conservative backlash for all of that than for the inclusion of gender diversity. Any thoughts?
3. This is an observation. While I largely agree with Goliath’s point at the end of City of Stone about searching the answer in life and not in death, I also argue that after a thousand years of existence Macbeth deserves to rest, should he truly want to. For what happens later it seems he does find a new desire to stay alive, yet that could also be interpreted as something he forces himself into out of a sisyphic need. Of course, the fact that the only way to end his life would be to actively kill Demona does make the thing more troublesome. Bottomline, I feel that Macbeth has perfectly legitimate and rational (as opposed to mentally pathological) reasons for wishing to stop his life.