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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

From what I understood about the video game, "Young Justice: Legacy," there are five locations with multiple missions; each location involves a three-person team and the first person on the team is the designated leader. The designated team leader in each location was as follows:

Artemis (Greece missions)
Superboy (Siberia missions)
Aqualad (Santa Prisca missions)
Nightwing (Gotham City missions)
Aqualad (Bialya missions; as Alpha Squad team leader)
Nightwing (Bialya missions; as Beta Squad team leader)

Aside from the team leader, there are two members of the Team that the player can choose to fight alongside the team leader. In the game's very first mission in Greece, however, the three-person team always starts off with Artemis (as team leader), Nightwing, and Flash, but afterwards, the player can choose any two members of the Team to follow the team leader in each subsequent mission.

As such, in your own personal headcanon (and this is also assuming that you've played the game yourself), which two members of the Team canonically fought alongside the leaders of Alpha Squad and Beta Squad during each mission in each of the five locations during the events of the game?