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A couple of questions about, of all things.... Shaving.
1. Xanatos- Electric or old fashioned razor?
2. Owen- Does he need to shave at all, or is a side effect of the "out Vogeled vogel" character include always being clean cut?
The gargs- In the past whenever anyone assumed that Hudson is odd because only has a beard and that the other gargs don't shave, you've basically responded "Who said they didn't". So...
3. *DO* the other gargs need to shave?
4. If so, what do they shave with, particularly Goliath on the Avalon tour?
5. Would Brooklyn ever seriously consider growing a beard, since it'd probably look rather akward on his beak?
6. COuld Brooklyn grow a beard even if he wanted to?
Just an odd tangent I was suddeny inspired to ask. Thanks for your time Greg.
1. Ask Fox.
2. He shaves.
3. Not Angela.
4. Superman checked in periodically, and volunteered his heat-vision.
5. Would you in his circumstances?
6. Only a Goatee.