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Vazmento writes...

First let me say that you are ressponible for an extremely well produced series of which I am a die hard fan.

I have some questions about Macbeth.
1: Besides the three episodes of "Avalon" did Macbeth ever meet Boudicca?
2: How (primarily) did Macbeth make his fortune?
3: How long was Macbeth employed as a security guard at the prison where Xanatos was held?
4: I know Demona is a socceress, but shouldn't Macbeth have been more wary about entering into a spell with the Weird Sisters?
5: How long was it before Macbeth decided to track down Demona and end his life?

Greg responds...

First, thanks.

1. Not that I can recall.

2. Holdings that matured. Primarily.

3. He wasn't.

4. He was desperate.

5. Centuries.

Response recorded on August 19, 2000