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Anonymous writes...

Greg. Thanks again for the opportunity to ask a few questions. 1.
Probably the most disturbing images from Gargoyles was Demona shattering all of those human statues.
What happened to those remnants when the spell was broken and ho w was the disappearance of so many explained? 2.What was your planned lifespan for the cold-trio? Since they have robot bodies they could theoretically exist for as long as spare parts were available. 3.If Oberon's children were banished from Avalon , how could the Weird Sisters accompany the Archmage there on his attack? Wouldn't this be considered a violation? 4.What did you cut from Avalon part 2?

Greg responds...

1. It was pretty gruesome, I'd guess. I'm not sure it ever was explained, but I'm sure that there's still an open case file somewhere.
2. Lifespan? I guess they were immortal until they were damaged beyond repair. That doesn't mean they'd wind up living forever.
3. They were left behind as Guardians. It's another loophole.
4. A line here. A short scene there. More background, mostly regarding the Weird Sisters following Macbeth and Demona's careers for centuries. Although that sounds more interesting than it was.