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Hi Greg! I know we fans don't thank you enough for doing this, I know it must be time consuming, especially when certain questions come up over and over again. So I'll just say thanks here before saying anything else.
Now, the question. Sorta... Back in July I asked a question along the lines of "Why does Katana name her son Nashville" and at the end of december you replied "Why does Katana AND BROOKLYN name THEIR son Nashville?" Honestly, this is the kind of response I had expected, its why I phrased the question the way I did. If I had asked why Brooklyn names his son that way you would have have responded the same way but filling in Katana's name, and if I had asked why they named their kid that way, you probably would have just said "Don't feel like answering that right now". As is, with that phrasing, you told us something, in that they agreed on the name and it wasn't really one's preferential choice... So now, after all that explanation of my previous question 6 months ago... 2 new questions on the same thing...
1) Is my take on this information correct in that Brooklyn and Katana largely agreed on the naming of Nashville, and that it wasn't just one's preference?
2) Why *DO* Katana and Brooklyn name their son Nashville?
I think thats it for now.. Sorry for being so wordy, and thanks again!
1. Yes. You are correct.
2. You are also correct in your assumption that I don't feel like revealing that right now. But feel free to try again in a few months.