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Hey Greg,
Lil Q. Um..I know you have said you are not that concerned with physical appearences of characters. IE: color, body type..so on. Well, I guess I was just wondering if you were planning on making either Nashville, Tachi, or both of Brooklyn's kids to have the trade mark beak? I suppose it is likly that at least his son would. It is just one of those things that people think is neat. Hey, like father like son right? Something like that I guess. But even though I think that would be cute, I also think that it would be neat if he didnt have it. I mean, mabye look more like his mother, (whatever she will look like) mabye just have his dads type of fly away hair, or similer voice..ect. Just a thought. ER NO wait..not a thought..not an idea..NOPE _nothing_ like one of those *thinks fast* umm..ya just a ramble;) *jk*
Thanks Greg!
My guess (which I won't be held to) is that Nashville would look like Brooklyn but with Katana's coloring. Tachi would look like Katana but with Brooklyn's coloring. Wing shapes might reverse too. I say that, because it's my M.O. But a good artist could change my mind.