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Kelly L Creighton / Kya White Sapphire writes...

gargoyle biology:

these may have been asked, but i couldnt find them. i wont be upset if you yell at me and tell me to look harder. ^_^

1. does a garg's vision change when their eyes glow?

2. if not, do they know theyre glowing just like ppl know when theyre blushing?

3. the stone sleep heals everything? i mean, if they started catching a cold one night, would the stone sleep cure it? i have strep throat right now (again. its my anual strep) and id REALLY like a lil stone cureall ^_^

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Not consciously, no.

3. Yeah, it's a wish-fullfilment thing.

Response recorded on September 27, 2000