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Kelly L Creighton / Kya White Sapphire writes...

on august 23 you ansered someone's question about children coloring. ie- children are the color of their other-gender parent, but look like the same-gender parent. you said its not a rule, but its commonplace. then you said "Gabriel looks a bit like Coldstone with Coldfire's coloring." uhh.. did i miss something? ColdStone/Othello is grey with white hair, ColFire/Desdemona is brownsih with gold hair, and gabriel is GREEN... hes not colored like ColdFire... *blinks* or did i miss something? *laughs* i tend to do that..

Greg responds...

Keep in mind, I'm color-blind. I know what I asked for, but I may not have gotten it.

Response recorded on September 05, 2000