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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Why are there so many male gargoyles and so few females? And how can lex wear that loincloth?? His wings go all the way down his legs how does it stay on??? Is it magic?

Greg responds...

Lex's wings are pierced.

Female gargs do seem to be rarer, I must admit. You could either attribute that to us Disney-folk not remembering to balance out the population. Or we could start attributing it to internal "universe" factors. In pre-modern times was egg-laying as dangerous for a female gargoyle as childbirth was for a female human? Is the ratio of male gargoyle births to female gargoyle births more like 3 to 1 as opposed to the nearly even 1 to 1 ratio we humans enjoy? Is there another possible explanation? Those are all real good questions. Let me give them some thought.