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The Phoenix Gate

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Lord Sloth writes...

1) When Puck(in the guise of Goliath) was telling the Clan about the soul trasfer spell, Lex was amazed that Goliath knew magic and Puck put his hand on Lex's shoulder, and some sparkaly stuff came over Lex's face. What was that all about?

2)What did Angella(or Desdemona rather) do when she pulled Coldfire under the water? She didn't come up for a lond time, not untill Puck called her.

Greg responds...

1. It was about magically convincing Lex to be a little more trusting.

2. She meaning Coldfire? Angela inflicted grievous damage. But like Coldsteel, Coldfire could self-repair.

Response recorded on August 15, 2001