A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Forgive me if someone's asked this before...
I enjoy writing fanfiction, and I've had lot of my voluminous writing printed and shared them with friends. They're all encouraging me to try and get it published. What is Disney/ABC/whoever's policy about publishing fan writing. I know Paramount makes a KILLING on it - every bookstore these days has a whole section for fanfiction in print. I know I'm not the only die-hard GARGOYLES fanwriter who'd like to submit their work for printing, too. It also makes sense to try and bolster public interest in the show until the movie is released and whatever other plans are in the making (if any) for GARGOYLES. Where would recommend we start looking?
(http://gargoyles.web.com - Ladyartemis@cybergal.com)
Hey, you tell me! If Disney is interested in printing original Gargoyle stories, I hope they come to me first. (Which puts us in competition, I guess.) As far as I know, however, there is no interest currently.
Also, I don't think that what you see on bookshelves is STAR TREK "fanfiction". Though it may seem like it, these are all books written by "professional writers" commisioned by Paramount and/or its licensees. By definition, that ain't fanfiction.