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Russ Isler writes...

Hi there. I didn't see a mail link so I'll sneak this in here. I'm an animator at Foundation Imaging, working on Starship Troopers. I personally havn't looked at the scripts for the episodes you wrote (we just got off of Pluto last week here ) But I have seen every dang episode of Gargoyles, twice. Three or more times for some. Just wanted to extend my appreciation to you for the incredible work. Gargoyles just has to be one of my top favorite shows of all time. Now that I read you've written some of the episodes I'll be working on, my enthusiasm has just taken off! Now, I have to go read through the rest of this site, see what I've missed. (I just found this site today)

Greg responds...

Welcome Russ, and thanks for the kind words.

Gargoyles was my best professional experience in television, and I'm glad you liked it.

But I really liked working on Troopers too.

I wrote two episodes personally, LIQUID DREAMS and FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND. Plus I story edited the entire TESCA NEMEROSA and HAWAII arcs. Unfortunately, SONY currently has no plans to produce the last three episodes of the Hawaii arc, but I'm hoping someday...

Anyway, you guys at Foundation are amazing. I'm incredibly happy with the work I've seen, both on my shows and on the series as a whole. Great job.

Response recorded on February 01, 2000