A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I am a Gargoyles fan too and only found out about the yearly convention just last year. Since i'm my own gardian now( just turned 18). I really want to go to the convention. Is there an official site, and where and when is it located at? like the others said, "there are tons of gargoyles fans out there still" but not too many people know about the convention or what is happening to it's great creator. I hope once again, there will be a movie, 3rd or 4th series of gargoyles. It was getting so good.
Well, Vernice,
I hope this SLOW moving site isn't the only place you asked this question. You'd have gotten a much quicker response from the comment room.
Anyway, here's the website:
I hope you can make it. But as I write this, it's less than two days away.
The convention is June 22 - 25 in Los Angeles, CA at the Universal Sheridan. We have a ton of events planned. Workshops, panels, Q&As on every aspect of Gargoyles and on a couple other shows as well, including ROUGHNECKS, the Starship Trooper Chronicles and 3x3 EYES.
We have over fifty guests attending. Including all of the Gargoyles producers (myself, Frank Paur, Dennis Woodyard, Bob Kline). People who developed the series. Artists who worked on it. Post-Production people. Writers and Story Editors. Etc.
We have the voices of Goliath. Of Brooklyn, Lexington and Broadway. Of Owen. Of Obsidiana and Griff. Of Duncan & Canmore. Of Odin. Of Petros Xanatos. Of Maria Chavez. Of the Magus. Of Maol Chalvim. Of the Renaissance Hunter. Of Natsilane and the Coyote Trickster. Of young Peter Maza. Of Officer Morgan. Of King Kenneth II. Of Hollywood, Brentwood and Malibu. Of Goon #2. Of Bruno. We've got the voice of Vinnie.
This is really a once in a lifetime event.
I hope to see you all there. Soon.