A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Not a question- just a comment:
I saw a notice on SciFi.com that the latest Starship Troopers DVD was coming out (February). I took a look at it and the other three on Amazon.com. They are a fangirl's ideal! Episodes + lots of comentary (from recognizable names :) + behind the scenes. Now if I could only afford them... oh well, next career.
Still, somebody must be in a profitable profession. If "Amazon.com sale rank" means what I think it does two of the DVDs are among the ~50 and ~60 most common ordered things today. (or were in February)
Between that and noticing Disney has put a little link next to some of the Gargoyles tapes to say "I'd love to see this in DVD form" I think things bode well for a DVD release here too.
Things bode very well, as the DVDs are scheduled to be released in 2004 to coincide with the series tenth anniversary.
And I think those Starship DVDs turned out great. I highly recommend them. (And I get no financial benefit from doing so.)