A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Dear Mr.Wiseman
I am a Gargoyle fan ever since watchng gargoyles! maybe before that I
have now started to look into gargoyle history and learn more aboutt hem as I
can even try t get some from the show. I was wondering if the Gargoyles
series would have still been on today would you have the seris branch off into
diffrent direction's?(example TGC Focus on the gargoyles and human's
living together, Gargoyles focus on Elisa's and Goliath's relationship)
Also I was wondering where did you get the main Idea for Gargoyles? cause
heard certian thing's how gargoyles came to be. But I was wondering if any
of the main Idea's that helped you along came from a book. If so what
That's Weisman, not Wiseman.
Most of the Gargoyles mythos is my own invention. Inspired by
hundreds of disparate sources, but not by any one book or whatever. I'd
have loved to explore, as I think we did, all sorts of different themes and
relationships, but Elisa/Goliath would have always been one of the prime
(GDW / 7-22-98)