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Wups..forgot to write my name..*growls*
Guess..I will have to ask a question to get this up here..umm. I'll be carful on how I word this one.
If Disney didn't want to risk animating "Gargoyles" again (since that is a lot of time/money) would it be cheeper for them to re-print the comic series instead? (not the way it was hopefully..but as the series should have been?)
You like comics right Greg ^-^v
OH And I wanted to comment on your ramble on Episode 18. I was shocked to find out that the reflection of Elisa was NOT an animation error. I never even gave it a second thought! In hindsight do you think it would have been better to maybe have some magical sparkles..or have Elisa's reflection wave at her..or _something_ more noticable? Or are you happy with the way it turned out?
I like comics fine. But I'm not sure what you mean. Disney doesn't publish comics anymore. And Disney NEVER published GARGOYLES. Marvel did. That's not gonna happen anytime soon. But I'm also not sure what you want. A reprinting of those old Marvel issues?