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i have a question about the flora on Avalon, actually, a couple questions:
1. the plants on Avalon, like all the forests and stuff, were all those plants brought to Avalon or were they made whe and however the island was created? in short, are those plants real world plants or magic/Avalon plants?
2. if i went to Avalon and planted a tree, could Oberon control that tree as he did with the plants in "Ill met by moonlight"?
3. was the apple orchard that is near Oberon's Palace planted by mortals? if so, when did this occur?
4. in 2002, how are the tropical plants brought from Guatemala doing on Avalon? thriving?
5. does Oberon know of the tropical plants and if so what does he think of them?
thanx, Greg!
1. Probably some of each, but more of the former.
2. He's very powerful. So, yes.
3. I have every reason to think that apples are native to Avalon.
4. Probably. No reason to think otherwise.
5. He does, yes. He must be okay with the idea or he wouldn't have allowed them in.