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Anonymous writes...

When Puck gave Xanatos the choice between one wish from Puck or life long service from Owen was this with the understanding that Owen/Puck would never work magic for Xanatos? If the answer to the last question is yes then when Owen/Puck was "explaining" his reasons for working for Xanatos to Oberon and beating up Oberon in the process was he playing lawyer? If the answer to question 1 is no why did Owen not use magic before? Also did Xanatos know Owen was Puck or did Puck make him think that Owen was working for Puck at the time he gave Xanatos the choice? Why did Owen/Puck not know the true source of Demona's Immortality in "City of Stone"? Can a normal human and Gargoyle conceive children? If the answer is yes then how? Two serperate species cannot reproduce to create viable offspring although very closely related species can create sterile offspring are Gargoyles and humans the same species?

Greg responds...

1) Exactly.

2) To some extent. Puck was on trial as well, and he knew it.

3) N.A.

4) At the time of the choice, Xanatos knew. Although by then he had known Owen for some period of time.

5) Why would he?

6) Not unaided. Maybe not at all. I'm sure Sevarius might like to "help".
Prospero too.

7) N.A. (What are you trying to do, trip me up? :))

By the way gang, Gore has informed me that we've had to kick a number of good questions because they were posted with questions that contained the kind of ideas that I warned I couldn't look at in Guideline #2. If you want your questions answered, please be more careful.