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Hi Greg!
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday! Mine was yesterday, so it's easy for me to remember when yours is. Don't know how it is for you, but birthdays have taken on a little stronger meaning for me since the tragedy. I'm old enough that I start to think of birthdays a bit cynically (one year older, etc... I'm 29, BTW), but there are a lot of people won't have any more birthdays ever, so I'm very grateful to be home celebrating with my family and other people I care about. Hope you're doing the same. All the best to you and your family in the year to come!
P.S. Now, can you tell us what Titania whispered to Fox? Just kidding. ;)
My birthday was over eight months ago, and I can honestly say I don't really remember it. I think I was still in a haze.
But thanks for the good-wishes.
And P.S. No.