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Anonymous writes...

A thematic question that I've been wondering about for some time. In the
series, many characters were "immortal", including Oberon's Children,
Demona, and Macbeth. Oberon's Children were, for the most part, a petty,
arrogant, and often downright nasty lot, who treated mortals as mere
playthings. Demona was a crazed and ruthless genocidist and Macbeth did
his own share of shady things such as stealing the Scrolls of Merlin and
capturing the gargoyles to use as bait for a Demona-trap. Not to mention,
furthermore, that the "immortal-at-last-Xanatos" of "Future Tense" (even
though it turned out that it wasn't the real Xanatos but an illusion of
Puck's) was far more evil and ruthless than the original Xanatos ever was.
What I'm wondering is: was this intended as a major "moral" of
That immortality (or rather, physical, bodily immortality) is a corrupting

Greg responds...

1. Eh, I don't know about that. Macbeth has his moments, but he's not
such a bad guy. I rather like Coyote. A trickster, but with a more
clearly positive bent than some of his fellows. Citing Oberon, ignores
Titania. Citing the Sisters ignores the Lady of the Lake and Grandmother.
I think you're assumptions are a bit flawed on this one, Todd. Hey, Todd
and I disagree. That's got to be a first.

(GDW / 7-22-98)

Response recorded on July 22, 1998