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Laura 'ad astra' Ackerman writes...

You mentioned the 4th wall and Puck having been an issue in Mirror, and several people have weighed in with their opinion. I might as well throw in my too {fill in the monetary unit of your choice}. I think it would work either way with Puck. The question is whether in being Puck is he playing to the audience around him or the one in his head. If the former he would direct his antics to those around him- he'd be the kind of being who says something outrageous and peaks at the reaction. If the latter, there is an imaginary audience he trusts to have the savvy to appreciate his act and will speak to them. [That is not to say he is delusional, just able to amuse himself.] Personally I think Puck is both, and in any given situation could go either way.

All this brings to mind The Gathering II. The first time I saw it I remembered his memorable, "Here's Puck!" to end with a pirouette to the various assembled beings. In later showings he ends filling the screen with his grin. It seems that later edits did tear down the fourth wall at that point. Despite having at least one friend who very much preferred the first version, personally I thought both worked.

Greg responds...

I can only reiterate that I not only think it would have worked, I think it would have gone over big. Your example, though strictly speaking more ambiguous, serves, I think, to prove my point.

Response recorded on September 06, 2000