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Luis Reyes writes...

Dear Greg,

I am a journalist who will also be attending Fanime and, without any other recourse to get a message to you, I've found this route to try to relay a request for an interview. I will also go through the Fanime staff. I write for several publications including the LA Weekly and the LA Times, but my main job at the moment is editing a news magazine dedicated to covering anime. However, I am trying to push the boundries of this subject and include the American animation industry. So, basically, what I'd like to chat with you about is the developments in both the Japanese and American animation industries that will eventually bring the two together or solidify the borders that keep them apart. My email address is lr@emanga.com. Please let me know if I can speak with you at Fanime.


Luis Reyes
Editor, Akadot.com

Greg responds...


I'm glad Patrick told me about this message, because obviously, ASK GREG isn't a timely way to communicate with me.

For the record, Luis did interview me at Fanime Con -- twice.

Hope the material was useful.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001