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matt writes...

1. after i first saw "Awakening" i figured that the rookery of castle Wyvern was behind a door that opened into the same courtyard that the refugees were staying in. if you look at it the Trio and Bronx appear out of that rookery door into the courtyard after the massacre. in "Shadows of the Past" however, we see that if the rookery had been below the castle (or in it) it would've been taken to New York with teh rest of the castle, and it was actually left behind in Wyvern. i'm just curious as to where the rookery actually is (was). below the castle or what? this question isn't intended to find a mistake in the show, just to clarify for me...

2. was there more than one entrance to the rookery?

3. was it a large sequence of caves below the castle and the lands surrounding it?

4. was the rookery in the same place before Castle Wyvern was built?

thanx Greg!

Greg responds...

1. The rookery was beneath the castle proper in a cave. Or rather, the castle was built OVER the rookery.

When Xanatos moved the castle, he moved some of the rock that supported it. We have -- to my knowledge -- never made it clear just how deep into the rock the rookery cave was. It's possible that Xanatos scooped it up too. Or that it was in essence exposed by the removal of castle and "foundation" rock. If X did scoop it up, it's possible he was forced to "fill" the cave in order to create stability. I've never really thought about it before. But I'm not sure why you're sure that the Rookery was left behind in Wyvern. What it comes down to is that it no longer exists as it once did.

2. Probably.

3. It was one largish cave chamber directly below the castle.

4. Yes.

Response recorded on March 31, 2003