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Tanika writes...

Wow, that's a *big* contest . . . no wonder it took you as long as the series plan!

Here are my answers (is there a limit to how many I can try?):

32 sentient
33 creatures
38 denied
39 human
40 rights
46 gargoyle
52 granted
55 clans
56 scattered
56 status
59 endangered
61 hunting
100 clan
101 leaders
228 amulet
231 stone
232 day
341 thousand
342 Demona
345 clan
350 resistance
359 recruit
363 technology
364 human
365 day
366 for
367 now
371 own
372 present
376 future
377 Brooklyn
379 new
380 world
381 Brooklyn
382 return
383 own
384 time
365 learn
380 future
426 heroes
521 nutshell

How'd I do? :)

Greg responds...

There is no limit.

But unfortunately every blank you tried to fill has already been filled.

The only blanks outstanding are 74, 517, 518 and 519.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001