A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Displaying 1 record.
This is in response to Magnolia/Kkatman's question about the contest, which I'm hoping is moot by the time you see this because the contest will have ended.
I have a section on my pages dedicated to the G2198 contest (http://crossroads.dragonmists.org/fantasy/central/gnc_store.html#contest), where I have almost all of the already guessed answers listed for the two remaining unknowns. Ray Kremer (http://bobcat.bradley.edu/~rkremer/garg/) and Aris (http://users.otenet.gr/~katsaris/g2198.htm) have sites that have the G2198 blanks filled in to where we currently stand.
And I've filled in the blanks on the G2198 contest archive.