A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey there Greg,
I just want to say first that the show Gargoyles is the best cartoon show ever and it´s also so much more than a cartoon show, thank you for making these shows!
Now for my quiestion: I don´t now much about the movie that is being made but I´ve been wanting to ask you, is it a cartoon or not? And also is about the Gargoyles story that is in all the shows about the Gargoyles or something else?
Thank you for your time.
P.S. Hey did you now that The Gargoyles have got fans here in my country(Iceland)? It´s a little island in Europe. Anyway it shows that the shows are great and will hopefully come some time again!(We can only hope!)
I'm greatful for all our fans all over the world. Thanks for the kind words.
I really have nothing new to say about the movie, so you should check the "Live-Action Movie" archive for all my old responses.
But briefly, it's live action with CGI. And I can't tell you how closely they're sticking to our stories. I don't know if they have an approved script. But if they do, they have not shown it to me.
I'll try to get some more information in time for G2000 in Orlando.