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Xeennexx writes...

Dear Greg:

First off, I would like to say that Gargoyles is one of my all time favorite shows (and this is coming from a woman that has, for the most part, given up on TV). There is not a thing more I can say about it that has not already been said, other than this: Gargoyles is one of, if not "the", greatest animated shows of all time (heck, the USA Today poll proved that). I very glad that you put so much into Gargoyles, and I'm sad it had to end all too soon. In short, Thank You.

However, I'm glad that you have moved on and continue to produce quality animated programing (I'm particularly interested in the English adaption of 3x3 Eyes, as that I've been a fan of Japanise animation for years, but I don't speak a word of Japanise). One of your most recent works interests me (and is the reason for my questions, forthcoming). It is Starship Troopers: Roughneck Chronicles. What I would like to know is:

1) How did you like working on SST:RC and are there any intesting stories you have about your experiences working on the show?

2) Did you wish they had covered more of the controversal ideas that were in Heinlein's novel?

3) I know that 4 of the planned episodes for the show were scrapped due to budget and production problems.
a) What are your feelings on this?
b) The last 3 eps that would have ended the Bug War
were, I have learned, written by you. So:
1) Since the possibility of seeing these last eps
produced are remote to nil, is there any info you
can give out about the story line of these eps,
or are you bonded by contract not to reveal any
info on the show?
2) If these eps in question had been produced, would
there have been any room for a second season?

Thank you. And I look forward to seeing you at The Gathering 2000.

Greg responds...

1. Nothing is perfect, but STARSHIP was without doubt the most fun I've had in animation since Gargoyles. Much of the credit for my enjoyment should go to Producer Audu Paden. I was just a lowly story editor on Starship, one of many actually, but Audu included me in almost every stage of the production -- at least as far as my episodes were concerned. I didn't have the kinds of controls I had on Gargoyles. I certainly didn't have final say, but for the first time in years, I felt like my input was valued. And that's cuz Audu made a space for me on his team.

As for stories, yeah, I've probably got a few. But anecdotes aren't the kinda thing I like to put in writing. Could get me in trouble later. Ask me at the Gathering. We have some very special STARSHIP/ROUGHNECK events planned. Really not-to-miss if you love that show. And if you love that show, Gargoyles and anime, then you just have to come.

2. I tried to slide a few in there, particularly in my script "Liquid Dreams". And yeah, I wish we had the time and space for a little more of that kind of thing. But ultimately, what you can get away with in a prose novel of whatever length is different from what can be fit into a twenty-two minute episode, wherein each episode has to tell a complete story from beginning to end.

3. a. It really bothers me. Particularly since three of those four were episodes that I edited. They were the big climactic episodes that ended the war. Part of the final sequence of five set in Colorado and Hawaii. The two that did air were "Funeral for a Friend" (written by Greg Weisman) and "Spirits of the Departed" (written by Jon Weisman). The three that didn't air were "Gates of Hell" (written by Lydia Marano), "Circle of the Damned" (written by Cary Bates) and "Final Inferno" (written by Michael Reaves). As you can imagine it was a pretty kick-ass story. And I'm crushed that it wasn't produced.

3. b. First off they weren't WRITTEN by me. They were edited by me. Important distinction.

3. b. 1. Well, I'm not sure what my contractual obligations are, but I don't know how remote those chances are. Their non-production isn't etched in stone.

3. b. 2. Yes. In fact, Audu, myself and John Skeel had already had multiple discussions about our plans for a second season.

Response recorded on June 27, 2000