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The Phoenix Gate

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Jessica writes...

Hi, How are you? I was wondering if the Gathering can maybe sometime come to Texas, (El Paso to be exact)? I'm only fourteen so I can't of course travel very far, and I would really like to go to one of the Gatherings, (because I live in El Paso) I would really appreciate it. I love the show so much!!!!! I can't wait for the release of the DVD. :)

Greg responds...

The Gathering was in Texas (Dallas to be exact) in 1999.

I don't control where it takes place. This is a fan-run convention. I just show up.

If YOU want it in El Paso, put together a Gathering El Paso Convention Committee and submit a bid to hold it there in 2005 (by which time you should be almost a legal adult).

Response recorded on May 05, 2004