A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hello Greg,
I have Gargoyles The Movie, and I love the VCR Board Game that goes with it. It is really fun to play! Was it your idea to include that with the movie? Well anyways it was a good idea and I want to play it with my friends tomorrow! (I lost it for a while but then my sister found it today!) I am always turning my friends into Gargoyle fans, I show it to all my friends, because it's such a wonderful show! That would be cool if the Gargoyles DVD coming out next year would have something like that! But even if it doesn't, I'll be happy just with the episodes on DVD. But it would be neat if it had some bonus features! Do you think there would be bonus features? I can't wait for the DVD!
Thanks Greg!!!
The game was not my idea. Credit for that goes to Gordon Ho's team at BVHE.
The DVD (still available as we speak) of the first season did have a few bonuses. It has a commentary track on the first five episodes featuring myself, producer Frank Paur and actor Keith (Goliath) David.
There is also a mini-documentary shot at last summer's Gathering of the Gargoyles, our annual convention. The doc has interviews with myself, Keith and many, many fans.
Finally, there's the original pitch that sold the series.