A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Considering that, since "The Journey," nothing horribly important happened in the rest of the series - except possibly the finale, and the death of all the clones (which, in the way it was done, would be relatively easy to get around) - if (various Gods willing) you did manage to resurrect the series or found a spin-off, would you pretend that the Goliath Chronicles never happened? Or would you make alterations to your Master Plan to allow for the events of the series? Or have you not decided/thought about it?
I've thought about it a lot -- and gone back and forth a lot...
The current plan (which I hope to do in the new comic book series from Slave Labor Graphics and Creature Comics.Com) is very... nuancy.
I don't plan on denying the Chronicles, but I do plan on ignoring them. Eh, we'll see how it works...