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Ok, there are three things I know:
1. Disney owns the rights to Gargoyles
2. Disney is releasing the DVD's in 2004 to coincide with the 10th anniversary
3. Disney doesn't like the epiosde "Deadly Force" and stopped showing it on TV
That leaves me with two questions.....
1. Is Disney even going to include this episode in their DVD release?
2. And if they are, is it going to be censored like it was on TV?
1. True
2. The first season, yes. Volume One of the second season is being released on December 6th, 2005.
3. That's not quite accurate. Obviously, for a time, they were gunshy (pun intended) about showing it. But I understand they show it now. Besides, Disney has a lot of divisions. What the S&P department at Toon Disney feels, doesn't necessarily reflect what the folk at Home Entertainment feel.
1. It did. The episode is present on the first DVD released last year (December 7th, 2004).
2. All episodes are uncut, uncensored.