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Bass mexican guy(also my friends call me brooklyn ^^) writes...

hey, it's me again, the mexican guy, I wana know if they're going to bring the DVDs to Mexico too, cause they're a lot of fans too, but I didn't told that are going to be in DVD cause I don't know if it's going to come here too.
By the way, Who made the goliath chronicles? sorry, but a lot of them suck, I only like "The journey" and "runaways", but the others, I hate it, and, if it's not going to be in mexico, it's right if I search for the episodes in the internet? or it is illegal? cause in mexico I can't find some channel or videos(at least in VHS "piratas"(illegal copy)) cause in Disney Channel Mexico it doesn't appear, thanks to read all this thing(todo este rollo) I hope you can respond me this

Greg responds...

I don't know what the international gameplan (Mexico included) was or is. Sorry.

Goliath Chronicles was produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, but with the exception of the voice cast, nearly the entire crew was replaced. The new crew had very little time even to familiarize themselves with the existing series.

Response recorded on November 11, 2005