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Overated writes...

Hi Greg,

I recently wrote a Guide for the Gargoyle's video game (2 years ago when you get this). You can check it out here:

I summarized the story in the beginning of the guide and thought you might be curious about it. Basically the Vikings attack Castle Wyvern because the 'evil' Eye of Odin compels them to. Goliath defeats them and wakes up in the future only to find out that the Eye has teamed up with Demona (for some reason the Eye is a sentient, flying Eye... they don't say why).

Sorry for being long winded, here are my questions:
1.) Is there any talk within Disney about making a new 'Gargoyles' video game and/or have you tried to/been approached about convincing Disney to make one?

2.) Do you think that the video game format is a good way to tell the story of 'Gargoyles'? If yes what part of the 'Gargoyles' series would you like to make into a game?

Gargoyles is a great show and thanks for taking the time to answer these questions.

Greg responds...

1. No and no.

2. Honestly, I'm not much of a gamer. I'd be "game" (sorry) to try. But I don't know much at all about the medium.

Response recorded on November 15, 2005