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Hey Greg, I wanted to say that I have always been a lover of the Gargoyles series, and I've seen some of the other stuff you've worked on....you know how to organize and put together scripts for a wide variety of genres....sci-fi, fantasy, action, etc. So, I was wondering, I can't recall whether you've worked on a live-action movie before, and was wondering if you could try to become a script writer/editor for the supposed upcoming Deus Ex movie, based on the PC game Deus Ex. This movie is supposed to be in the works soon and I was hoping you could get on the project and use your expertise, that shouldn't go to waste.

Greg responds...

It's very kind of you to think that way. But aside from the fact that here we are in late 2005 and I've still never heard of that project, I'm afraid the movie business doesn't work that way. I can't just become a writer on someone else's movie. It's not nearly that easy. Though I wish it was. Most people in live action are not interested in my skills BECAUSE of my animation credits. They assume that I'm not good enough for live action.

Response recorded on November 17, 2005