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RocShemp writes...

I looked into the FAQ as much as possible so as to avoid asking questions you've clearly asnwered before. That said, I have a few questions regarding the future release of season sets of Gargoyles on DVD:

1) Will Greg have any direct participation with the DVD release (perhaps record an audio commentary and/or participate in documentaries)?

2) The FAQ helped answer my questions about the sound mix and program length differences between the Heroes Awaken "movie" and 5-part story arc. But I would like to know the following:

a. Will both versions of Heroes Awaken be appear on the DVD (perhaps via seamless branching or on separate discs) or will the "movie" version not be included on the DVD set?

b. Which sound mix ("movie" or series) would be used if only the series version Heroes Awaken will be available on the set? Or would sound mix be created to mix and match the best elements of either sound mix?

3) Will the series be presented in its original 2.0 mix or a brand new 5.1 mix? If a 5.1 mix, will it simply be a remastered version of the old 2.0 mix upconverted to 5.1 or will brand new sound elements (gunfire, explosions, ambient sound, etc.) be used with the original dialog and music to create a 5.1 mix relatively from scratch?

Greg responds...

1. By now, I'm sure you know I was involved, both with the first season release and the quickly approaching Second season release.

2a. The movie version was not included.
2b. We of course used the episodic series sound mix with the episodes from the series on the DVD. The other version wouldn't have matched up.

3. I don't know what any of that stuff means.

Response recorded on November 21, 2005