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Anonymous writes...

Some more questions.

According to imdb.com "on October 28, 2002, Toon Disney aired the episode "Deadly Force," They zoomed in on Elisa's face instead of showing the blood by her body." I've yet to see this episode on Toon Disney so I can't say if it's true or not. If it is, were you aware of this change? If so, what brought it about? Will the DVD release of the series include the original unaltered version?

Not a point that would make me not buy the series on DVD but would be unfortunate just the same.

Greg responds...

The DVD includes the uncut version that I approved. This was not the same as the version that first aired, which had an unrealistic quantity of blood on the ground.

And again, I JUST answered this, which means that the same question was only a few questions ahead of yours in the queue. In the future, before posting, please check to confirm that your question hasn't already been asked.

Response recorded on November 21, 2005