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Vinnie writes...

In what epsiode did Coldstone first learn Hudson had taken a name? I ask this because at the beginning of the episode "Possessions" he called Hudson by name, and I don't remember any of the other episodes that Coldstone was in where he learned the other Gargoyles had a names, except of course Lexington.

Greg responds...

You know I'd have to go back through EVERY Coldstone ep to answer this question. But I'd lay odds that no mistake was made.

Either Coldstone heard Hudson's name, or perhaps the Coldstone your referring to was actually someone else (like Puck) posing as Coldstone. Or Coldstone got the info in his memory banks form Demona and/or Macbeth in "High Noon".

I can't remember. And certainly it's possible a mistake was made. But I doubt it.

Response recorded on November 21, 2005