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GargFan1995-present writes...

My first post :)

In "The Gathering, pt. 2", was what Titania whispered to Fox something important to the plot, a future storyline, or a spinoff ("You should have let me have your son, 'cuz he'll be great one day")? Or was it something stupid like "Computers with hundreds of megabytes of RAM are coming soon!" or "You're a cartoon!"? Or was it even worth discussing with you? (Note to everyone reading this - Maybe Greg doesn't even know what it was and this is all a way to make us think he does!)

Greg responds...

As I've said many times previous, I DO know and I thought it was clever at the time, but I think at this point the answer would be anti-climactic.

For the record, it was not a non-sequitor.

Response recorded on December 05, 2005